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172 entries.
Glenn Oldfield Glenn Oldfield from Adelaide, Australia wrote on February 7, 2025 at 9:07 am
It doesn’t get any better than the Summer of ‘42 album. What a masterpiece. I still have the original album LP and play it occasionally. His arrangement of John Lennons “Love” is the best.
Rhoda B Schneider Rhoda B Schneider from BOYNTON BEACH wrote on January 13, 2025 at 9:27 pm
My father Abe Kalkin played Pinochle or Gin Rummy with Peter (Bernie's father) Julie and they were friends. I was a few years younger then Bernie (1943) and I just want to tell you I am the first person LOL to sleep in his bed. When I outgrew my crib, Julie gave my dad Bernie's day bed! My husband Elliott and I went to hear and see him a few times when he was entertaining at the "Rainbow Room" he always came over and sat with us for a bit and remembered his roots. Friendly and sweet and sincere!
Steve Zelenak Steve Zelenak from Wyandotte wrote on July 22, 2024 at 2:49 pm
Thank you Mr. Nero for sharing your talent with the world. I enjoy your recordings.
Dr. Jock Murray Dr. Jock Murray from Halifax wrote on May 20, 2024 at 10:09 pm
As newlyweds in 1960, I was entering medical school and my wife was supporting me as a journalist, We had a few sticks of furniture, but a special large cabinet stereo player, as we both loved music. Our first album was Peter Nero, because I was enthralled by his version of Bach-like Mountain Greenery, that I thought was brilliant. Since then we watched you on Ed Sullivan and collected your recordings, and when I was Chairman of the American College of Physicians, with an office in Philadelphia, I could hear you conduct and play. This is just a word to say how much joy you have brought to my musical listening for the last 64 years.
Marc Matthys Marc Matthys from Kortrijk, Belgium wrote on March 3, 2024 at 9:14 pm
Peter Nero was a great master of the piano. His version of I got Rhythm is a milestone in music. A true Giant !
Jorge DeVera Jorge DeVera from Deer Island wrote on February 18, 2024 at 10:02 pm
I saw Mr. Nero in 1965 at a Miami Beach concert, where, among his RCA repertoire, he played Rhapsody in Blue. In 2003, I saw him at the Broward Theater of the Performing Arts. Another unforgettable evening. I believe Mr. Nero was never given the importance he more than deserved as a composer, pianist, conductor and wonderful all around entertainer with a wonderful sense of humor in front of an audience. I don't think there was anyone to even equal him, much less surpass him.
Alex John Konopka Alex John Konopka from Greenwood, IN wrote on December 31, 2023 at 10:31 am
I went to my first Peter Nero Trio concert in Chicago at Orchestra Hall circa' 1967. I think it was that concert plus his records that inspired me to play piano for hobby/fun for my entire life thru this day. Thanks, Peter. Also, you had so memorable concerts at the London House and Ravinia in my hometown of Chicago. RIP Dear Mr Pianist!!!!
John Sands John Sands from Danville wrote on November 9, 2023 at 6:58 pm
I met Peter in Danville, IL - my hometown - when he came to play with our symphony and with his trio. It was a delight to meet him - such a gentle soul. his prowess on the keys in my opinion is unmatched in both classical and jazz genres. I was saddened to hear of his passing. He is missed by all who loved his music, and will live on as new generations of music lovers enjoy the sounds of his creations which will live on eternally. Rest well, Peter Nero!
Donald Larter Donald Larter from Pittsburgh, PA wrote on September 26, 2023 at 7:23 pm
My first exposure to Peter Nero was in the mid-1960s, when on Christmas my parents gave me a Peter Nero record album as a present. They also gave my older brother a Peter Nero record. Mine was "Peter Nero In Person." As a young teenager I was impressed by his finesse on the piano, and I was also tickled by the witticisms and asides he included in the recording. Almost 60 years later, I still listen to Peter's recordings. Just a few days ago, in fact, I dug out a cassette tape(!) of a recording Peter made with the Rochester Philharmonic. It was issued by Pro-Arte in 1991. Rochester happens to be my hometown, and I was a scholarship recipient in the Eastman School of Music's Preparatory Department in Rochester, New York, where I studied trombone. What a great recording that cassette turned out to be. It included Peter's usual admixture of classical, popular, and jazz genres. The music brought a smile to my face. I've listened to the tape several times now. I look forward to listening to it again. Saddened by Peter's passing, I extend my sincere condolences to his surviving family members, friends, and fans--of whom I was and always will be.
Simon Bélair Simon Bélair from Joliette wrote on August 15, 2023 at 2:15 pm
Thank you for the music, mister Peter Nero. « Hello Dolly», from the album « Songs You Won’t Forget», rings non stop in my ears. As far as I’m concerned, that track is the ultimate instrumental version of that song. The title of the album was right. We won’t forget. Thanks again for the music.
Bob Johnson Bob Johnson from Las Vegas wrote on July 10, 2023 at 4:57 pm
Peter Nero provided the soundtrack for my early childhood. My Dad loved him along with Al Hirt, Pete Fountain and Buddy Rich. What a band THAT would have made. "Up Close" was the first Nero album my Dad bought and he played it daily on his big stereo next to his reclioner in the living room. To this day, I know every note of that album. Mr. Nero taught me about music simply by how he played and how he arranged tunes. His Tijuana Brass tribute album married by Dad's favorite musicioan with the first band I discovered on my own as a young boy. It was eye opening but should not have been a surprise as Mr. Nero was constantly breaking down and morphing musical genres. I was fortunate to see him perform live five times, including four with my Dad — magical moments for a father and son who enjoyed music and reveled in great music — the kind Peter Nero arranged, played and shared with the world. I hope Mr. Nero and my Dad are playing "Dueling Pianos" up in heaven today. I know who would win that duel (sorry, Dad), but it sure would be something to hear. — Bob Johnson (a Peter Nero fan for 60 years at age 65)
Mark Teboe Mark Teboe from Boulder, CO wrote on July 9, 2023 at 6:49 am
Peter Nero was one of Edie's People on Channel 10. He was a very cool man!
Michael West Michael West from Felton Delaware wrote on July 9, 2023 at 3:18 am
Deepest, heartfelt sympathy on the loss of a music legend, with thanks for all the years of beautiful music. 🕯🌹
Rick Wexler Rick Wexler from Philadelphia, PA wrote on July 9, 2023 at 2:24 am
Peter Nero, to paraphrase his words about the Philly Pops, was the Best Conductor of His Kind in the Entire Cosmos. The world has become a little darker with his recent death. I feel honored to have met him and to have briefly spoken to him. He was one of a kind.
Santo LaMantia Santo LaMantia from Lake Barrington, IL wrote on July 8, 2023 at 4:03 pm
I was so saddened to learn of Mr. Nero’s passing. The world of music now has a gap no person can ever fill. We saw Mr. Nero play as a solo pianist. We saw him play with a trio. We saw him play with an orchestra. We also saw him conduct the Pops. In all cases he was without compare, a master. His music will live on forever, but his genius will be missed.
Paul Olguin Paul Olguin from West Hartford, CT wrote on April 8, 2023 at 6:10 am
Though I knew of you and your work, the dear, young friends I'm staying with here in Honolulu have just discovered you by way of album, Tender is the Night. I'd write more, but I'm getting very, very sleepy. 😉 Seriously, your music is so wonderful.
Bruce Connolly Bruce Connolly from Yonkers, NY wrote on March 9, 2023 at 6:17 pm
Finally saw Porgy and Bess (1959) and revisited your superb unequaled medley. Thank you for so much joy since the 1960's.
Eric W Ranta Eric W Ranta from Seattle wrote on January 27, 2020 at 10:12 pm
I have rediscovered On Tour. It gave me chills 40 years ago and did again this morning. Sad to see it is not available on CD.
Dryproof Waterpoofing Dryproof Waterpoofing from Seattle wrote on January 16, 2020 at 9:12 am
Peter you are the best! Hope to see u in Seattle area in future
Adam Glasser Adam Glasser from London wrote on January 9, 2020 at 11:44 pm
Greetings Mr Nero from one who discovered your piano playing for the frist time tonight while searching the internet on behalf of a student for different versions of 'Mountain Greenery'. And who then then spent a long time marvelling at a selection of your performances from various contexts ... each astounding and delightful to my ears. Writing late at night in London, feeling grateful for the surprise gift of this happy new discovery it strikes me that jazz pianists ( of any stripe or ability ) listening to the inspired musical drama of your jazz improvisations should not put off by the fact that we cant play the piano like you ! We should resist the understandable desire to give up the piano as Oscar Peterson famously did for a while upon hearing Art Tatum for the first time. Instead we might just enjoy your music and aspire to develop in our own playing aspects of your magnificent range of expression. With thanks and all best wishes, Adam Glasser
Elise Nanista Elise Nanista from Atlanta wrote on January 6, 2020 at 7:51 am
Hello, my name is Elise Nanista, my dad, Richard Nanista played the bass with you. I’d really like to get into contact, please email me at
Wade Wade from Parker, CO wrote on December 4, 2019 at 2:01 am
I'm much younger, but I just discovered you via your "Christmas Medley" that appears on the Real Gone Music "Great Songs of Christmas" CD. I look forward to exploring your work further. Thank you
Suzanne Cook Suzanne Cook from DENVER, Colorado wrote on November 4, 2019 at 7:29 pm
Dear Peter Nero, I know I have written to you before but do not see it here so I am writing again. I first heard you play when I was in college in 1962-1966. My boyfriend at the time would take me to your concerts and I still have your autograph form when he took me backstage in San Francisco to meet you. We were supposed to see you in Santa Clara Calif when it was cancelled due to the assassination of President Kennedy. On our 20th anniversary, my husband surprised me with tickets to Philadelphia to see you for a holiday show. We flew there from Denver for the weekend. I was so excited I could hardly contain my enthusiasm. But we did not realize that you would not be the pianist, you were the conductor! I was so disappointed! You played part of one song and was so unmistakably YOU, the music I have loved for so many years. Now, I listen to you on Pandora. I am playing you now, and I am almost in tears- your music is still so stirring and beautiful. Will I ever see you play again? Oh- please come to Denver and play with our symphony! Please!! Wishing you all the best, and THANK YOU Mr Nero for the joy you have given me and countless others.
Martin Reynolds Martin Reynolds from Lynnwood wrote on October 19, 2019 at 11:16 pm
I sure wish you would do a show (or two) in the Seattle area. Love your music and your command of the keys!
Stephan Dusault Stephan Dusault from Zurich, Switzerland wrote on October 5, 2019 at 10:14 am
Just listening to one of my old records: The music of George Gershwin with Peter Nero, Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops. Great recording, beautiful arrangements and fantastic piano playing. Thanks for the music.
Art Art from Newton, MA wrote on September 30, 2019 at 9:30 pm
I had your mother as a teacher in the 60’s At James Madison high school in Brooklyn .!!!
Jim Callner Jim Callner from aptos wrote on August 13, 2019 at 11:52 am
Happy Birthday Mr Nero. You are simply the best!
Maria Rosa Rizzo Maria Rosa Rizzo from Mar del Plata.,ARGENTINA wrote on July 7, 2019 at 5:10 pm
Thank you!. I’m hearing Peter Nero’s summer of 42....,the vinilo Original ... my emocion goes to the tears ( sorry for my poor english) THANK YOU. Very Much!!!
Regina Maria Martins Del Coco Regina Maria Martins Del Coco from São Paulo- Brasil wrote on June 4, 2019 at 4:58 am
Simplesmente mágico! Maravilhoso! Gratidão por seu talento!
Simon Blackshield Simon Blackshield from Perth wrote on May 31, 2019 at 7:06 am
Dear Mr Nero, I am listening to "Piano Forte" right now, I adore your work, hope I get to catch you live!