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172 entries.
Barbara Kunkel Barbara Kunkel from not sure what this means? wrote on May 14, 2012 at 1:31 am
Dear Peter, I have had season tickets for the past 7 years or so, and I am interested in where you are appearing with your jazz combo or as a guest conductor this summer. Attended your Villain Performance today and thought it was terrific but I must admit that I was disappointed that you didn;t have anything from Dr. Jekyll Mr Hyde - there was a great song for the two female singer and Dr. Jekyll - with the beautiful voices, it would have been fabulous. In any event, would like to attend a summer event. Thank you very much! Barb Kunkel
Christine Dirnhofer Christine Dirnhofer from West Midlands, United Kingdom. wrote on May 7, 2012 at 3:25 pm
Hi Peter, Recently I found an LP, of you that I hadn't listened to for years, it's Peter Nero plays Born Free. I've been playing it quite a lot lately and both my two children 17yrs and 13yrs really like it. Then I got thinking about you and wondered where all these missed years that I'd lost contact with your music had taken you. I was really happy to find you looking incredible youthful, happy and still playing beautiful music. May God give you lots more years to continue on your lifes journey. God Bless. (I'm now off to catch up on all my missed music years of you).
mimi brennan mimi brennan wrote on April 30, 2012 at 9:13 pm
Dear Peter, Just love "Sunday in New York". It's the Coolest! It's got such a New York sound. Can't find piano sheet music for it. Is it available to buy? I'm a singer & would love to sing that song someday. Do you ever perform in New York? Would be a Blast to hear you play "Sunday in New York" at a place like The Carlyle, Birdland, or Jazz Standard. I'm drawing the cartoons & writing music for my animated jazz short, "The Jazz Mouse" It's 10 minutes long & takes place in South Chicago in the 1930's with Black American characters. Do you know any good jazz pianists in NYC who could help me arrange my music? I compose by ear but need someone who can score correctly & who gets the raw improv jazz from early 1930's Hope to see you perform in New York on Sunday! All the Best, Mimi Brennan
Celso Tomisawa Celso Tomisawa from Brazil -São Paulo wrote on April 17, 2012 at 10:52 pm
Hello Mr.Peter Nero! I am writing from Brazil and I and my brother Carlos, we are grateful to you for playing the songs in a very special and so melodious. All the tunes for you, have a great importance for us as it brings back memories of a past that we had, with great harmony, health and happiness. Thanks also for the great opportunity to give us this magnificent space on your site, to write! I know you're a busy man, but if it were possible we would like to receive a response from this e-mail from you. Here in Brazil you have a large fan base. Sincerely, Celso Tomisawa I apologize for my english
Tim Hauter Tim Hauter wrote on April 6, 2012 at 8:56 pm
Maestro, Peter, my wife and I have had a wonderful afternoon playing your music...CD's; Tapes; and Vinyl Records. Before writing in your Guestbook, we were able to hear your performance of the title song to the movie "Sunday in New York" on your website it is better than my vinyl record. We have enjoyed your music since 1961.I used to buy two each of your vinyl records--one to listen to and the other for a reserve as the vinyl would wear away. What a pleasure to have you on CD with both new recordings and re-releases of your earlier work. Peter, thank you seems inadequate in expressing appreciation for your talent...sometimes the simplicity of 'thank you' is the best way to express gratitude. Tim Hauter, Dallas
Ricardo San Martin Ricardo San Martin from Santiago/ Chile wrote on April 6, 2012 at 7:46 pm
mr. nero, as I wrote before: I'm still keep on hearing (and searching) your vinyl records, as I always do, since 60's... thay are the best... and you too...greetings
Charles Charles from Newport to Cincinnati to Middle Tennessee wrote on April 1, 2012 at 4:24 pm
My wife had liked your music before we were married, and we were stunned to find out you were playing at the Beverly Hill Country Club when we were married there on November 29th, 1974. We always claimed you were playing for us. Good to see you are still around.
Dan Kraus Dan Kraus from Vista California transplant from St. Louis Missouri wrote on March 26, 2012 at 2:36 am
I have been playing the piano since I was about seven years old with a diet of classical music. However, in about 1962 my father brought home a transcriptions of recorded hits "Peter Nero at The Piano" for me. I immediately became fascinated with Scratchin' My Bach due to my classical background and have played the piece since I was twelve. To this day it is one of my favorite pieces. And whenever someone ask me to play the piano, this selection is ALWAYS the first I play in my repertoire. Thanks.
ruth danielle ruth danielle from sarasota, fl wrote on March 22, 2012 at 10:22 am
The summer I was 47, I got a passport and used a Eurailpass to see all of Europe, sleeping on trains and in hostels. A tape of "Summer of '42" on my Walkman got me through a lot of nights with crying babies and carousing teenagers. Night after night the surrounding noises would fade as the sound came in through one ear, then the other, and then swelled to the whole orchestra right above my head. I'm 72 now, and your arrangements continue to make me happy. I've owed you this thank you note for a long time.
Bob Bowser Bob Bowser from Flagstaff, AZ wrote on March 12, 2012 at 10:57 pm
Hey Peter. That's pretty impressive that my note to you in 2006 is still at the top of the list below. I haven't changed my mind. You are the greatest piano genius in my lifetime. But s..t. You won't be around Az for awhile. I talked to you for a bit after your concert here in Flagstaff at the reception we had for you in a restaurant. Also went back stage in Prescott to see you. And was the only one to go backstage at the PAC in Orange Co, Ca. I'm the guy that was a busboy at the Tropicana in May, 1957, when it first opened and you were playing in the lounge, alternating with Red Norvo and some others. You were just out of Julliard and had a trio. You would brag that your combined ages was 62. One of the guys was going into the army. I would talk to you in the hallway behind the stage when you took a break. I didn't know employees were not suppose to hang out in the bar area off duty. Ha. I still go to the Tropicana almost every spring. Anyway, I'm still your best fan, living in Sedona until May 1 and then I'll move back to Flagstaff. I've got every album you ever made. Blessings on your head. Bob Bowser
Kimberly F. Kimberly F. from Wilmington, DE wrote on March 12, 2012 at 10:56 pm
I just read in the paper that you are retiring in the next year or two! I am heartbroken! I will not be renewing my subscription:( Please reconsider.
Jim C Jim C from Bohemia, Ny wrote on March 12, 2012 at 10:56 pm
Playing some of your songs to some residents in a local nursing home, I overheard one of them say. I didn't know angels could play the piano. She thanks you very much
Mark Ira Kaufman Mark Ira Kaufman from Silver Lake, Ohio wrote on March 12, 2012 at 10:55 pm
After listening to Peter Nero for more years than he'd like to be reminded of, his hands are all the proof I need that aliens have visited earth.
David David from Portland, OR wrote on March 12, 2012 at 10:55 pm
Peter... I met you about 1991 here in Portland area, you were a guest for a new store (Incredible Universe) Anyhoo, would love to see you tour here to the Portland area. I have many of the albums on CD and would love to see you perform live sometime! Have a great 2012. David.
Steve Marcus Steve Marcus from Chicago area, IL wrote on March 12, 2012 at 10:54 pm
"In Person" is my favorite album of yours. I love hearing your clever piano arrangements and technique "naked," i.e., without thick orchestration. I also enjoy your composition, "Fantasy & Improvisations." I hope that these recordings will become available in digital format. I'm originally from the the Philadelphia area. Why is the Philly Pops album with the late Tug McGraw celebrating the Phillies' 1980 World Series Championship not listed in your discography? Please keep making great music for many more years.
SALLY BLUE SALLY BLUE from NEWPORT BEACH, CA wrote on March 12, 2012 at 10:54 pm
Bob Murtha Bob Murtha from Santa Maria, Ca wrote on March 12, 2012 at 10:53 pm
I know you're 75 years old, but I'm 81 and I haven't seen you in years because you no longer come to the west coast. I would love it of you could come out here one more time. I live on the Central Coast in California, but I'll travel to Arizona, Oregon, Nevada. I've been listening to your music since l961. I don't leave home without the tapes I have made from almost all your recordings, and when I am listening to your CD's. You're the best ever. Thanks for all these years of enjoyment. Bob Murtha Bob Murtha
E E wrote on March 12, 2012 at 10:52 pm
I recently purchased a copy of Mr. Nero's album "I'll never fall in love again", and I recognized the face on the cover but can't place a name to it. I think she was a Model turned actress in the 1970's. I am hoping someone there might know or be able to find out. If You could tell me who she is, I would greatly appreciate it. I thank You for Your time and efforts in this matter, E.
Daisy Klock Daisy Klock from London, Uk wrote on March 12, 2012 at 10:51 pm
Dear Peter Nero, I just want to say: "thank you" for your priceless creation "The Summer of 42". I heard for the first time when I was very young, and since, I never forgot. Time to time I returned to it, to listen so many times with never get tired. There is a sense of beauty and longing in this melody. If ever you'll be able to tell me, I would like to know: what inspired you to make this melody? what thoughts and feelings you were living in that time to compose this song? Congratulations and my best feelings to you. Daisy
Emma Burkart Emma Burkart from Godwin, NC wrote on March 12, 2012 at 10:48 pm
Hi I was wondering if you ever made sheet music to go with the Cole Porter Party C.D. I've searched and searched for arrangements of Cole Porter music that sounds as good. If there isn't one is there any chance that one will ever be made? I would love it if somebody would make one. Peter Nero's arrangements are the best! Thanks!
zadora zadora from Chapel Hill, N.C. wrote on March 12, 2012 at 10:45 pm
Your Mother was my Spanish teacher in 1968 at Cunningham Junior High School. I so remember her stature and solid personality. She was a force to be reckoned with, and the ONLY teacher for whom I had true respect.She had NO tolerance for the other pupils who did not possess liguistic understanding especially having to do with the ACCENT of the Spanish tenor, that lucky for me (WHEW!) I got to be the one to read aloud every day in class, while she exhorted the other students to pay attention to my accent!! Even so, she had No respect for me, I could see I was just a pawn, though lucky because at least I had an accent that she validated. She was clearly frustrated, as an educator, and very under appreciated, as a teacher, by her vagrant students; she was under siege. I had not the wit nor wisdom in those years, to conduct a meaningful conversation with her, though I wanted to!...and I hardly think she would have condescended. I think she was rather tough, but I also could see that she had a tender heart..because I could see it behind the veil of hard silken twine. Wow.I really was impressed!!! Next time, let's talk about your Music!
Tom Dudzick Tom Dudzick wrote on March 12, 2012 at 10:36 pm
Hi Mr. Nero, I would be the happiest amateur pianist in the world if someday you came out with a written transcription of your fantastic version of "Pick Yourself Up." That number makes me so happy every time I hear it! To be able to sit down and play it would be a dream come true! Please think about it! Many thanks for the hours of thrilling listening you've given me!!! ---Tom